% gpstrans
GPStrans (ASCII) - Version 0.39
Copyright (c) 1995 by Carsten Tschach (tschach@zedat.fu-berlin.de)
Linux/KKJ mods by Janne Sinkkonen (1996)
Copyright (c) 2000 German Grid by Andreas Lange
Copyright (c) 1998,2000 Mayko-mXmap mods by Matthias Kattanek
Copyright (c) 2001 Development by Joao Seabra-CT2GNL
Usage: ./gpstrans flag [filename]
Flags are: -v version: information about program
-p port: set serial I/O-Device
-s setup: set datum, format, offset device and model
-z model: set model etrex (or similar model)
-i ident: identify connected GPS
-o off: Turn off GPS Device
-t time: Get time from GPS (-ts will set time on host)
-d? download: r = route, t = track, w = waypoint, a = almanac
-u? upload: r = route, t = track, w = waypoint
-m format: data in Mayko-mXmap format
If no filename is entered, data will be written to stdout and read from stdin.
Serial I/O-Device can also be set within the environment variable $GPSDEV.
% gpstrans -p/dev/cuaa1 -i
GPStrans (ASCII) - Version 0.39
Copyright (c) 1995 by Carsten Tschach (tschach@zedat.fu-berlin.de)
Linux/KKJ mods by Janne Sinkkonen (1996)
Copyright (c) 2000 German Grid by Andreas Lange
Copyright (c) 1998,2000 Mayko-mXmap mods by Matthias Kattanek
Copyright (c) 2001 Development by Joao Seabra-CT2GNL
Connected GPS [/dev/cuaa1] is: Garmin Geko 201 Software Version - V2.0
% gpstrans -p/dev/cuaa1 -z -t
GPStrans (ASCII) - Version 0.39
Copyright (c) 1995 by Carsten Tschach (tschach@zedat.fu-berlin.de)
Linux/KKJ mods by Janne Sinkkonen (1996)
Copyright (c) 2000 German Grid by Andreas Lange
Copyright (c) 1998,2000 Mayko-mXmap mods by Matthias Kattanek
Copyright (c) 2001 Development by Joao Seabra-CT2GNL
Local time determine from GPS-Receiver is: Tue Mar 26 01:55:51 2003
Local time on machine is: Tue Mar 26 01:55:46 2003
Time difference is 5 seconds.